Posted by: Brino | May 11, 2010

The top ten workout jamz

It is rare these days to see someone running without their Ipod. On treadmills, this is obviously important so you don’t fall asleep and hurt yourself. But outside on the trails, too. Even in the pool, swimp3 players are gaining popularity (does anyone else get water in between the earbud and your ears? Let me know).

Working out with music isn’t completely unmerited. More and more studies are showing the benefits of physical activity alongside some tunes – like this one, by Dr. Len Kravitz. At least according to this, “research indicates that music benefits students from a motivational standpoint … although not always from a physiological perspective.” Triathlete Sam McGlone has written about the effects of training with music. And hey, why would you not believe Lenny Kravitz?

So, while I am trying to keep up on the bike, gasping for air in the swim (Masters started at the BSC Aquatics and Wellness Center last week), and still avoiding the run, music seemed like a topic I could talk about.

So here they are: The top ten songs for working out.

Some folks will, probably wisely, automatically disregard this post because I spelled “Jams” with a “z.”

1.   The Space Jam Soundtrack.

Now, maybe this has a bit to do with my age, but talk about inspirational. I think every kid should grow up with Coolio’s “The Winner” in their ears. To this day, I listen to that song before any big event – races, tests, the final boss on a Nintendo game. I know this shouldn’t exactly qualify as a “top ten song” because it’s an entire record, but I thought people might get upset if my first eight songs were from the same album (not every song here is a winner… try breaking a PR to Monica “For You I Will.”)

2. “Heavy” by Collective Soul.

In my opinion, Collective Soul is one of the most underrated bands out there. They have plenty of hits, and any of their records would fit in well at the gym. Often, when I don’t want to listen to one of my playlists, I will just shuffle Collective Soul for a workout. Chuck Norris probably listens to Collective Soul when he dominates.



3. “D.I.E. 4 Y.O.U.” by Family Force 5.

I am a new fan of FF5. I don’t know much about them, but the music is crazy good. This song is great for high cadence cycling, if you’re on a trainer.




4. “Let the Little Lady Talk” by Capitol Lights

This gives you that feel-good, “I can do it” feeling, though I guess I’ve never really listened to the words. I don’t know what it’s about, but it gets you going.




5.”The Final Bell” (from Rocky) by Bill Conti

This is the song that plays at the end of the first two (five? ten?) Rocky movies, when Stallone gets back up and sends his competition to an Adam Sandler movie (Apollo Creed is Chubbs in Happy Gilmore). “Yo Adrian, I did it!”



6. “Fight to Live” by Flatfoot 56

The last two minutes of this song is repeated: “Be a man, don’t be a quitter. Fight! Fight!” Just like in gym class.





7. “Closer” by Jars of Clay

A lot of my favorite music comes thanks to a generally happy feeling I get when I hear the song. This is especially true for “Closer” by Jars of Clay – very summer-y. The whole “Long Fall Back to Earth” album is poppy and has good beats, and “Closer” is a stand-out.



8. “Lightheaded” by Lightheaded

I don’t remember how I was introduced to this song, but there is incredibly fast rapping in it. I really like that.




9. “Your Disease” by Saliva

Just a good workout song. “Kill the competition like a man on a mission.”




10. “Are you Ready” by Creed

Say what you will about Creed, but I am always excited when this song comes on.




That’s MY list. What’s yours?

This could get interesting…


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